翻譯了一篇: 搶先看!Firefox 手機版


因為現在 Mozila 打算開發手機版的 Firefox 但是這計畫預計 2010 年才會成熟,為甚麼?因為這計畫所定的基本手機裝置要大於 64MB 的記憶體,400 ~ 600 MHz 的處理器,根本就是以電腦為主。

Why now?
* Getting a no-compromise web experience on devices requires significant memory (>=64MB) as well as significant CPU horsepower. High end devices today are just approaching these requirements and will be commonplace soon For example, the iPhone has 128MB of DRAM and somewhere between a 400 to 600 MHz processor. It is somewhere between 10x-100x slower on scripting benchmarks than a new MacBook Pro and somewhere between 3-5x slower than an old T40 laptop on the same wifi network. But rapid improvements in mobile processors will close this gap within a few years. There are chips out there today that are faster than the one in the iPhone and integrate graphics, cpu, and i/o (wifi/3g/wimax) on one die. Intel has recently re-entered this market which will keep things interesting. Most exciting of all ARM has announced that by 2010 devices will be shipping with a processor 8x faster than what's in the iPhone!

不過還是期待他可以快一點,因為我手機裝的還是 Opera mini ,能夠裝 Firefox 更好。




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